Powerful digital front end of high speed inkjet printing apparatus

类别:Industry information | 日期:2016-04-22 | 点击数:6318

Whenever the digital printing equipment suppliers launched higher productivity or larger color gamut range of production type digital inkjet printing equipment, always accompanied by new digital front end (DFE) design, to powerful support of digital printing equipment normal operation.

data processing

Data processing speed and output power is concerned, graphic design or embedding special graphic elements, such as our common raster graphics needs, let inkjet printing on the digital front put forward higher requirements, global graphics company (Global graphics) chief technology officer Martin Bailey said previously, inkjet, printing technology printing speed and data processing ability has a slight breakthrough, though, has not yet reached our expectations, but in my opinion, inkjet printing technology, data processing speed will reach a staggering growth rate over the next 10 years. "

As driven by the harlequin rip HP T400 color inkjet web printing machine, the equipment in the printing of raster graphics, per second raster data reach 15GB in order to ensure the normal operation of the engine, and in the actual printing process, raster graphics but also in virtually increased with each page of data handling capacity.

Ricoh, senior product marketing manager Nick Fiore said "effect of digital front-end driven high-speed inkjet printing equipment resolution and speed of factors may have two, namely the front drive must have sufficiently strong data processing ability and fast enough to run the network, to ensure that the printing speed and resolution."

"At present, the front end of the high-speed inkjet printing processing system, the biggest challenge is the speed and the quality of the printing", working flow of Xerox and solving scheme of global sales manager Todd Wisniewski very much agree with this view. Back to the past 10 years ago, high-speed inkjet printing mainly uses classical invoice printing work flow, variable data download and in pre printed paper printing operation is completed, needs to be emphasized is referred to here as the variable data is limited to text.

Work flow

"At present, the image quality of high speed inkjet printing has exceeded the traditional invoice printing work flow of image quality level", venezky explained, "with the color variable data and personalization work settings required increased, user terminal high-speed inkjet printing technology of image quality is expected to also increase. It also on the digital front proposed higher requirements."

In order to provide almost perfect prints, digital front-end to complete the primary task is correct and the original data stream into the printing equipment can receive a bitmap image quickly, Fiore went on to say that "in order to achieve this standard, digital front-end must to take into account the printing equipment may be in order to ensure the final print quality and change the original file part, such as color parameters, serial number, seal surface direction. And at this time of the digital prepress put forward the important function of include of data streams to provide support, such as at least supports PDF and PDF/VT (variable data format) format, and also has the industry standard color Management ability, strong imposition and support the use of JDF function, work flow, Fiore added.

Using the new Ricoh digital front-end Ricoh Pro VC60000 of digital printing equipment, which can provide support for PDF, PDF/VT format and JDF workflow, and has advanced color management system. The equipment to the front of the data processor can be according to the complex, with images of the direct mail is optimized, help to further improve production efficiency.

Previous inkjet printing equipment mostly by IPDS data flow driven. "But IPDS does not have the direct mail market, even is current popular containing lots of images of bill printing liveware required complexity", venezky explained, "the PDF file format of the workflow can obtain visually rich documents, namely image representation capability is very strong." because of this, at present the printing industry is to become the industry standard in PDF format.
